Breeds in Burkina Faso

Species 그룹 Breed Synonyms정렬 - 내림차순
Sheep Developed / composite breeds Toronke
Chickens Variety/Ecotype Naked neck
Cattle Large East African Zebu Mere Bambara, Mandi (in Mali).
Cattle Humpless Longhorns N'Dama Boenca, Boyenca, Fouta Jallon, Fout, Malinke, Mandingo, N'Dama Petite, Fouta Malinke, Futa, N'Dama Peti, Gambian Longhorn
Cattle Recently Derived Breeds Borgou Borgu, Borgawa; Bobori
Cattle Humpless Shorthorns Ghana Shorthorn Ghanaian Shorthorn, Gold Coast Shorthorn, WAS (but ambiguous).
Chickens Variety/Ecotype Souche Konde Konde
Chickens Variety/Ecotype Peulh Le poulet du sud
Cattle Humpless Shorthorns Baoule Lobi (in Bouna division) and Mere (but this confuses with the name of zebu crosses with Lobi).
Cattle Humpless Shorthorns Lobi Lobo-Goui, Mere-Lobi, Mere (but this name is better left for their crosses with zebu).
Cattle Humpless Shorthorns Doayo Namji, Namchi, Namshi, Poli, Donayo, M'Bougi
Cattle West African Zebu Djali Nigerian Fulani, Djeli, Jali, Jeli, Diali, Jalli
Chickens Variety/Ecotype Naine Nodige
Cattle West African Zebu Sudanese Fulani Peul-Fulani, Bogoro Fulani, Fulani-Nam, White Umboroa, Misse, Segou, Baouro, Bourgou, Toronke, Sambourou, Seno, Kaarta
Chickens Variety/Ecotype Poulet Du Djelogodij Poulet de dori
Goats Short-eared Twisted horn Sahelian Sahel, West African Long-legged, Desert, Sudan, Fulani (Peul, Peulh), Voltaique, Maure, Touareg, Arabian, Makatia (Algeria).
Sheep Thin-tailed Hair sheep Djallonke West African Dwarf, Forest, Guinea, Ghana Dwarf, Nigerian Dwarf, Cameroon Dwarf, West African Maned, Mosi, Blackbelly (Cameroon Dwarf), Mayo-Kebbi, Kirdi (southern Chad).