Cattle - Breeds

그룹 Breed정렬 - 오름차순 Synonyms
Commercial Composites Montbéliard Montbéliarde
Commercial Composites Monoufi
Small East African Zebu Mongalla Southern Sudan Hill Zebu, South Eastern Hill Zebu
Small East African Zebu Mkalama Dun
Commercial Composites Métis de Bambey
Large East African Zebu Mere Bambara, Mandi (in Mali).
Commercial Composites Medenece Medenes
Commercial Composites Mauritius Creole
West African Zebu Maure Arab, Mauritanian, Moor, Moorish
Recently Derived Breeds Mateba
Commercial Composites Masri
Sanga Mashona Amajanja, Ikomo eza Makakanga, Makalanga, Makaranga, Mombe, Ngombe, Ngombe Dza Maswina, Ngombe Dza Vakaranga.
North African Humpless Shorthorns Maryuti Arabian
Commercial Composites Manjani Boina
Small East African Zebu Malawi Zebu North Malawi Angoni, South Malawi Angoni
Commercial Composites Mahbere-Slassie The Monastery
Small East African Zebu Madagascar Zebu Omby Malagasy
Small East African Zebu Maasai Grey
Small East African Zebu Lugware Bahu, Kuku, Mangbattu
Humpless Shorthorns Logone Lagone
Humpless Shorthorns Lobi Lobo-Goui, Mere-Lobi, Mere (but this name is better left for their crosses with zebu).
Humpless Shorthorns Liberia Dwarf Muturu Liberian Muturu
Sanga Landim Sul do Save
Humpless Shorthorns Lagune Mayombe or Dahomey (in DR Congo), Lagoon (in Ghana)
Small East African Zebu Kyoga