Productivity Index - Traits

Speciesordenação descendente Breed Trait
Goats Djallonke Weight of young (g) produced per kg live weight of dam per year.
Goats Sahelian Total weight of young weaned per breeding female per year (Kid weight at 150 days x 365) / interval to next birth
Goats Djallonke Weight of young (g) produced per kg metabolic weight of dam per year.
Goats Sahelian Total weight of young weaned per breeding female per year (Kid weight at 150 days x 365) / interval to next birth
Goats Djallonke per doe per year
Goats Djallonke (Litter weight at 150 days * 365) / kidding interval
Goats Boer Weight of weaners at 4 months/doe/year
Goats Sahelian Total weight of young weaned per breeding female per year (Kid weight at 150 days x 365) / interval to next birth
Goats Djallonke per doe per year
Goats Djallonke (Litter weight at 150 days * 365) / kidding interval
Goats Djallonke Weight of young (kg) produced per breeding female per year
Goats Small East African g/kg breeding doe maintained
Goats Sahelian Total weight of young weaned per breeding female per year (Kid weight at 150 days x 365) / interval to next birth
Goats Djallonke per kg doe per year
Goats Sahelian Weight of young weaned per kg metabolic weight of breeding female per year
Goats Djallonke (Litter weight at 150 days * 365) / kidding interval
Goats Djallonke Weight of young (kg) produced per breeding female per year
Goats Small East African Kids per doe per year.
Goats Sahelian Weight of young weaned per kg of breeding female per year (g)
Goats Djallonke per kg doe per year
Goats Sahelian Weight of young weaned per kg metabolic weight of breeding female per year
Goats Djallonke (Litter weight at 150 days * 365) / kidding interval
Goats Djallonke (Litter weight at 150 days * 365) / kidding interval
Goats Djallonke Weight of young (kg) produced per breeding female per year
Goats Maasai Total live weight of litter at 150 days*365/subsequent parturition interval (days)