Productivity Index - Traits

Speciesordenação descendente Breed Trait
Sheep Djallonke per kg dam weight per year
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)/ Postpartum weight of dam (kg)
Sheep Blackhead Somali Total litter weight (kg) at 150 days per female during lifetime
Sheep Blackhead Somali Litter weight (kg) at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval = weight (kg) of young per female per year
Sheep Toronke Weight of young weaned per kg of breeding female per year (in gm).
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)
Sheep Djallonke per kg dam weight per year
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)/ Postpartum weight of dam (kg)
Sheep Blackhead Somali Births per year per female
Sheep Toronke Weight of young weaned per kg of breeding female per year (in gm).
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)
Sheep Djallonke per kg metabolic weight of dam per year
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)/ Postpartum weight of dam (kg)
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)/ Postpartum weight of dam (kg)
Sheep Toronke Weight of young weaned per kg of breeding female per year (in gm).
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)
Sheep Djallonke per kg metabolic weight of dam per year
Sheep Djallonke per kg metabolic weight of dam per year
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)/ Postpartum weight(0.73) of dam (kg)
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)/ Postpartum weight(0.73) of dam (kg)
Sheep Djallonke Unspecified-1402886912
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)
Sheep Blackhead Somali Life time productivity of ewe in terms of total weight of 150 day old lambs
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)/ Postpartum weight(0.73) of dam (kg)