Productivity Index - Traits

Speciesordenação ascendente Breed Trait
Sheep Toronke Weight of young weaned per kg of breeding female per year (in gm).
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)
Sheep Toronke Weight of young weaned per kg metabolic weight of breeding female per year (in kg)
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)/ Postpartum weight of dam (kg)
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)/ Postpartum weight(0.73) of dam (kg)
Sheep South African Merino Total weaning weight produced per ewe over three lambing seasons.
Sheep Blackhead Somali Birth per year per female
Sheep Toronke Weight of young weaned per kg of breeding female per year (in gm).
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)/ Postpartum weight of dam (kg)
Sheep Toronke Weight of young weaned per kg metabolic weight of breeding female per year (in kg)
Sheep Djallonke 365/Parturition interval * Litter size * Survival to 90 days * Live weight at 90 days.
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)/ Postpartum weight(0.73) of dam (kg)
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)/ Postpartum weight of dam (kg)
Sheep Djallonke per breeding female per year
Sheep Uda 3 months weight of lamb per kg ewe metabolic weight
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)/ Postpartum weight of dam (kg)
Sheep Djallonke per kg dam weight per year
Sheep Menz Total liveweight of litter at 90 days / subsequent parturition interval in days
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)
Sheep Horro Unspecified-1402884419
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)
Sheep Rwanda-Burundi-Tanzania Long-tailed Total live weight of litter at 150 days * 365/subsequent parturition interval (days)/ Postpartum weight of dam (kg)
Sheep Djallonke per kg dam weight per year
Sheep Red Maasai (Total live weight of litter at 150 days X 365) / (subsequent parturition interval (days))