Tuj all Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value Location MC
Ewe 62.70 Kars, Cildir, Kesik, Turkey On Station
Overall White fleece and colored patches around the eyes, carpus and tarsus regions. Kars, Cildir, Kesik, Turkey
Overall The tail is divided in to three distinct pices. The main part drops down, before turning upwards abruptly and forming the second division of the tail, allowing the hairless inner side of the tail to be seen. This gives the impression that the tail stands Kars, Cildir, Kesik, Turkey
Ewe Are polled Kars, Cildir, Kesik, Turkey
Female 263.00 Kars, Cildir, Kesik, Turkey
Male 288.00 Kars, Cildir, Kesik, Turkey
Female 273.00 Kars, Cildir, Kesik, Turkey
Overall 192.00 Kars, Cildir, Kesik, Turkey
Male 295.00 Kars, Cildir, Kesik, Turkey
Overall 188.00 Kars, Cildir, Kesik, Turkey