all Ear Type Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value Location MC
Overall Short and prick-type Small East African., Malawi On Farm
Overall Are carried erect or horizontally. Mozambique (Landim=Landrace in Portuguese); Small East African., Mozambique On Station
Overall Long, large and pendulous ears Foulbe, Waila,, Cameroon
Overall Semi-lopped ears Murle, Turkana, Gabbra, Uruguay On Station
Overall Short in a horizontal or pricked forward position. Galla, Ethiopia On Station
Overall Ears are also of moderate in size and held horizontally. Murle, Turkana, Gabbra, Uruguay On Station
Overall Are moderately long (up to 15 cm) and slightly pendulous, though quite a large proportion of animals (possibly more than 10 percent) have only rudimentary ears. Masai, Kipsigis, Luo, Nandi, Samburu, Kenya On Station
Overall Medium size, often partially pendent. Unspecified-1402883394, Ethiopia
Overall Short and pointed ears. Blackhead Ogaden, Boran, Adal, Afar Blackhead,, Ethiopia
Overall Are long and large and sometimes slightly pendulous. Unspecified-1402883386, Nigeria On Station