Overall |
Females are normally, but not always, hornless. If males have horns, they are usually short and pointed, turning backwards. Polls in males are as common as horns. |
Masai, Kipsigis, Luo, Nandi, Samburu, Kenya |
On Station |
Overall |
Floating horns huge at the base. |
Unspecified-1402883444, Ethiopia |
Ewe |
Generally horned |
Unspecified-1402883451, Turkey |
Overall |
Generally short, fine and round in cross section. They project upwards slightly outwards and have a slight curve at the upper two-thirds. |
Unspecified-1402883497, Kenya |
On Farm |
Overall |
Generally, the males have horns while the ewes are polled. Some ewes do have horns, however |
Unspecified-1402883449, Turkey |
Overall |
Gigantic, bulbous and conical. Porous and light. |
Unspecified-1402883370, Chad |
Male |
Have long spiral horns |
Naami, Shefali, Turkmenistan |
Male |
Have prominent spiral horns very similar to those of the KIvIrcIk |
Unspecified-1402883451, Turkey |
Overall |
Horizontal position. |
Unspecified-1402883453, Niger |
Male |
Horned. |
Ethiopian Highland, Abyssinian, Ethiopia |