Overall |
The horns, which are a striking feature of the Kuri, are very large, being bulbous (the circumference at the base may exceeds 24 ins.) are conical in shape and average some 30 ins. in length. |
Borrie, Nigeria |
On Station |
Overall |
Horns are small to medium in size. They project outward and upward from the head and have an out-curved turn at the tips to give the characteristics lyre shape. |
Boenca, Boyenca, Fouta Jallon, Fouta Longhorn, Outa Malinke, Futa, Malinke, Mandingo, N'dama Peti, Nigeria |
On Station |
Overall |
Project outwards, upwards and slightly forwards. The horns are of medium length and generally round in cross section. |
Unspecified-1402883389, Swaziland |
Overall |
Which are short or of medium length project laterally. Polled animals are very common. |
Unspecified-1402883388, Zimbabwe |
Overall |
Horizontal position. |
Unspecified-1402883453, Niger |
Overall |
Vary greatly. They are often thick at the base. They project upwards and slightly outwards and many cases are fairly long. Polled animals are quite common. |
Sese Island, Nyoro, Kyoga, Nsoga, Serere, Toro , Uganda |
Overall |
Moderately thick horns, with blant ends. |
Unspecified-1402883381, Uruguay |
Overall |
Generally short, fine and round in cross section. They project upwards slightly outwards and have a slight curve at the upper two-thirds. |
Unspecified-1402883497, Kenya |
On Farm |
Overall |
Are medium to long in length projecting outwards and upwards, usually slightly forwards and with a characteristic sudden curve inwards about two-thirds of the way up. |
Unspecified-1402883383, Malawi |
On Farm |
Overall |
Short, thick at the base, round in cross-section and upright. Polled animals are not uncommon. |
Unspecified-1402883374, Ethiopia |