all Horn Description Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value Emplacement MC
Unspecified Twisted Ethiopian Highland, Abyssinian, Legagora, Ethiopia
Overall There were no polled animals. Most of the animals have short horns, which are curved upwards. Some animals also have laterally erect, or forward-curved orientation of horns. Some others also have loose and dropping horns while a few of then have lyre shap Unspecified-1402883378, Ethiopia On Farm
Overall 80% straight and 17% curved in a lateral orientation for 70% of the cases, however in the case of typical Boran the horn is predominantly short. Unspecified-1402883374, Ethiopia
Unspecified Absent in sheep from eastern Sudan but males from the west are usually horned and about 5 percent of females in west are also horned. The horns are spiral in shape. Arab, Ashgur, Shugor, Butana, Beja, Drashiani, Dubasi, Gash, Kababish, Watish, Baqqara, Barka (Shukria), Hamale., Sudan
Overall Usually present in males, triangular in cross-section, often only as scurs, otherwise typically curved backwards and then forwards; usually absent in females. Landoum, White Maure, White Arab, Senegal
Male Present in males and loosely spiralled. Peul, Peulh, Peul-Peul, Foulbe, Fulbe, Bornu, Sambourou, , Senegal
Overall Almost universal in males, slightly flattened in cross-section and deeply ribbed, spiral in classic "ram's born" shape and long; about 32 percent of females carry horns, usually light and rudimentary. Futake, Banamba, Fulani, Mali
Overall Horns are triangular in males, almost all which possess them loosely spiralled and long; only 5.6 percent of females (n=581) carry small horns. Unspecified-1402883411, Togo
Overall Hornless Danakil, Adal, Ethiopia On Station
Overall Usually present in males, variable in length but generally short, ribbed and spiralled; usually absent in females. Ethiopian Highland, Abyssinian, Legagora, Ethiopia