Overall |
Commences in two folds immediately behind the chin; it is well developed descending as a single fold in a series of waves to well down between the forelegs where it again divides into two folds. |
Unspecified-1402883390, South Africa |
Overall |
The dewlap is moderately well developed and free from folds and fleshiness. |
Unspecified-1402883391, Kenya |
On Farm |
Overall |
Dewlap variable: in some animals it is well developed tending to form folds while in others; it is much less well developed with few or no folds. |
Unspecified-1402883385, Nigeria |
Overall |
Present in all animals, and its size is small to medium. Bulls can have large and folded dewlaps. |
Unspecified-1402883390, Ethiopia |
On Station |