General information on the N'Dama. |
Provides general information on known cattle breeds. | |
N'Dama in The New Agriculturalist online. |
N'Dama breed in The New Agriculturalist online. | |
Journal article on the effects of various factors on trypanosomosis prevalence in Nigeria |
Article on the effects of management, season, vegetation zone and breed on the prevalence of bovine trypanosomiasis in southwestern Nigeria. The infection rate of the N’Dama was lower than those of Muturu, Keteku and Zebu breeds. | |
Article on adaptive attributes of N’Dama cattle. |
The N'Dama, a Bos taurus breed, was well suited for the Caribbean because of its heat tolerance, insect and disease resistance and ability to thrive on poor quality forage. | |
Livestock database of the Oklahoma State University |
This website is presented by the Department of Animal Science of Oklahoma State University. Breeds of Livestock Committee: Larry Burditt, David Buchanan and Jerry Fitch. N’Dama was crossed with Red Poll to produce Senepol breed. | |
Article in Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz., 1998, 17 (1), 154-175 |
Article (Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz., 1998, 17 (1), 154-175) on “Trypanotolerance, an option for sustainable livestock production in areas at risk from trypanosomosis.” A major advantage of trypanotolerant livestock, particularly N’Dama cattle, is the resistance or adaptation of this breed to many of the important pathogens which prevail in the sub-humid and humid tropics. | |
Article on N’Dama in the development of Senepol breed. |
History of Senepol. N’Dama was crossed with Red Poll to produce Senepol breed. N’Dama was the most heat tolerant breed. | |
Article by Olivier Hanotte on identification of trypanotolerance QTLs in cattle |
Abstract on “Towards the identification of trypanotolerance QTLs in cattle” by Oliver Hanotte |,reportsreport8a_50003083 |
FAO Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS) [Cameroon] |
Information and communication system hosted by the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), which includes the Global Databank for Farm Animal Genetic Resources providing information on the origin, population, risk status, special characteristics, morphology and performance of breeds as provided by FAO member countries. |,reportsreport8a_50001790 |
FAO Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS) [Mali] |
Information and communication system hosted by the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), which includes the Global Databank for Farm Animal Genetic Resources providing information on the origin, population, risk status, special characteristics, morphology and performance of breeds as provided by FAO member countries. |