all Horn Description Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value 위치 MC
Overall The horns, which are a striking feature of the Kuri, are very large, being bulbous (the circumference at the base may exceeds 24 ins.) are conical in shape and average some 30 ins. in length. Borrie, Nigeria On Station
Overall Horns are small to medium in size. They project outward and upward from the head and have an out-curved turn at the tips to give the characteristics lyre shape. Boenca, Boyenca, Fouta Jallon, Fouta Longhorn, Outa Malinke, Futa, Malinke, Mandingo, N'dama Peti, Nigeria On Station
Overall Project outwards, upwards and slightly forwards. The horns are of medium length and generally round in cross section. Unspecified-1402883389, Swaziland
Overall Which are short or of medium length project laterally. Polled animals are very common. Unspecified-1402883388, Zimbabwe
Overall Horizontal position. Unspecified-1402883453, Niger
Overall Vary greatly. They are often thick at the base. They project upwards and slightly outwards and many cases are fairly long. Polled animals are quite common. Sese Island, Nyoro, Kyoga, Nsoga, Serere, Toro , Uganda
Overall Moderately thick horns, with blant ends. Unspecified-1402883381, Uruguay
Overall Generally short, fine and round in cross section. They project upwards slightly outwards and have a slight curve at the upper two-thirds. Unspecified-1402883497, Kenya On Farm
Overall Are medium to long in length projecting outwards and upwards, usually slightly forwards and with a characteristic sudden curve inwards about two-thirds of the way up. Unspecified-1402883383, Malawi On Farm
Overall Short, thick at the base, round in cross-section and upright. Polled animals are not uncommon. Unspecified-1402883374, Ethiopia