Cattle - Breeds

그룹정렬 - 내림차순 Breed Synonyms
Humpless Shorthorns Bakosi Bakuri, Kosi
Humpless Shorthorns Logone Lagone
Humpless Shorthorns Somba Atacora (in Benin), Mango, Konkomba (in Togo).
Humpless Shorthorns Baoule Lobi (in Bouna division) and Mere (but this confuses with the name of zebu crosses with Lobi).
Large East African Zebu Karamajong Zebu
Large East African Zebu Baggara Western Baggara
Large East African Zebu Improved Boran
Large East African Zebu Barka Begait
Large East African Zebu Orma Boran Tanaland Boran
Large East African Zebu Butana Red Desert cattle, Dar El Reih, Dongola, Shendi, Bambawa
Large East African Zebu Kenya Boran Borana
Large East African Zebu Somali Boran Awai
Large East African Zebu Kenana Rufaai El Hoi, Rufaai El Sherik, Fung, Gezira, White Nile, Northern Riverain or Northern Province.
Large East African Zebu Mere Bambara, Mandi (in Mali).
Large East African Zebu Toposa
Large East African Zebu Arsi Arusi
Large East African Zebu Samburu Kamasia
Large East African Zebu Murle
Large East African Zebu Turkana
Large East African Zebu Ethiopian Boran Borana
North African Humpless Shorthorns Baladi Menufi; Beheri
North African Humpless Shorthorns Damietta Domiatta, Domiatti, Domyati, Dumiati, Dumyati, Domiati
North African Humpless Shorthorns Maryuti Arabian
North African Humpless Shorthorns Saidi
North African Humpless Shorthorns Brown Atlas Brune de l' Atlas (Algeria; Morocco; Tunisia); Beldi; Blonde des Plateux; d'Oulmes et des Zaers;Oulmes Blond, Oulmes, Blond Moroccan, Blond Zaers, Moroccan Blond (Morocco); Libyan Brown Atlas, Libyan Shorthorn, Mahalli (Libya).