all Horn Description Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value Localização MC
Overall Small, usually slender with no marked twist, in about 97 percent of animals. Galla, Ethiopia
Overall Usually present in both sexes: short (10 cm) and fine and sweeping directly backwards, often curved upwards at the tip. In some flocks only about 65 percent of animals are horned, possibly indicating some out-crossing to exotic breeds. Small East African,
Overall Present in both sexes: curving outwards and backwards in males; females’ horns lighter and scimitar shaped; polled animals very rare. Chevre Commune, Chevre Locale, Long-hair goat, Short-hair goat, Burundi
Unspecified Present in both sexes: light and short. Small East African., Malawi
Overall Present in both sexes: heavy at base and fine at tip. Mashona, Small East African., Zimbabwe
Unspecified In 95 percent of both sexes: large and flattened in cross-section in males, homonymously twisted, projecting outwards or backwards; females finer and curving upwards and backwards. Southern Sudanese, Southern Sudan, Nuba Mountain, Ingessana, Latuka-Bari, Nilotic, Yei, Toposa, Dinka, Sudanese Hill, Village goat, Sudan
Overall Horns should be absent (although scurs do occur). Blackhead Ogaden, Boran, Adal, Afar Blackhead,, Ethiopia On Station
Overall Horns in males are mainly pointed backwards and there was no record of polled goats. Shukria, Sciucria, Langae, Hassen, Beladi, Bledi., Eritrea
Overall Horns are mainly straight (53%) or slightly curving (47%), predominantly oriented backwards (90%). Unspecified-1402883398, Eritrea
Overall Horns are either straight (47.1%) or curved (41.2%); the reminder (11.7%) are polled. All horns are pointed backwards. Tseada, Arab, Melege, Bilena, Boggos, Hamasen, Asaorta., Eritrea