Overall |
Small, usually slender with no marked twist, in about 97 percent of animals. |
Galla, Ethiopia |
Overall |
Usually present in both sexes: short (10 cm) and fine and sweeping directly backwards, often curved upwards at the tip. In some flocks only about 65 percent of animals are horned, possibly indicating some out-crossing to exotic breeds. |
Small East African, |
Overall |
Present in both sexes: curving outwards and backwards in males; females’ horns lighter and scimitar shaped; polled animals very rare. |
Chevre Commune, Chevre Locale, Long-hair goat, Short-hair goat, Burundi |
Unspecified |
Present in both sexes: light and short. |
Small East African., Malawi |
Overall |
Present in both sexes: heavy at base and fine at tip. |
Mashona, Small East African., Zimbabwe |
Unspecified |
In 95 percent of both sexes: large and flattened in cross-section in males, homonymously twisted, projecting outwards or backwards; females finer and curving upwards and backwards. |
Southern Sudanese, Southern Sudan, Nuba Mountain, Ingessana, Latuka-Bari, Nilotic, Yei, Toposa, Dinka, Sudanese Hill, Village goat, Sudan |
Overall |
Horns should be absent (although scurs do occur). |
Blackhead Ogaden, Boran, Adal, Afar Blackhead,, Ethiopia |
On Station |
Overall |
Horns in males are mainly pointed backwards and there was no record of polled goats. |
Shukria, Sciucria, Langae, Hassen, Beladi, Bledi., Eritrea |
Overall |
Horns are mainly straight (53%) or slightly curving (47%), predominantly oriented backwards (90%). |
Unspecified-1402883398, Eritrea |
Overall |
Horns are either straight (47.1%) or curved (41.2%); the reminder (11.7%) are polled. All horns are pointed backwards. |
Tseada, Arab, Melege, Bilena, Boggos, Hamasen, Asaorta., Eritrea |