Nubian all Traits

Sex Meansort descending SD SE SS Trait Value Location MC
Overall Horns in males are mainly pointed backwards and there was no record of polled goats. Shukria, Sciucria, Langae, Hassen, Beladi, Bledi., Eritrea
Overall Commonly black but pure brown, pure white and different shades between them. Sudanese Nubian, Shukria, Sciucria, Sudan On Farm
Overall The main coat colour is black (72%), with occasional white and red patches on a black background. Most (75%) of the males are hairy and 12% have hair on the thighs. Shukria, Sciucria, Langae, Hassen, Beladi, Bledi., Eritrea
Male Exist in males but comparatively rudimentary. Sudanese Nubian, Shukria, Sciucria, Sudan On Farm
Male Range: 50-70 Sudanese Nubian, Shukria, Sciucria, Sudan
Unspecified Generally black except for ears which are grey or speckled grey; other colours from light fawn through to dark chocolate brown also occur. Coat variable in length, generally long, longer hair on front legs and especially on hindquarters and hind legs. Sudanese Nubian, Shukria, Sciucria, Sudan
Overall Beard and ruff were present in all goats. No wattles were recorded. Shukria, Sciucria, Langae, Hassen, Beladi, Bledi., Eritrea
Male Exist in male but comparatively rudimentary. Sudanese Nubian, Shukria, Sciucria, Sudan On Farm
Female Range: 40-60 Sudanese Nubian, Shukria, Sciucria, Sudan
Unspecified Usually absent. Sudanese Nubian, Shukria, Sciucria, Sudan