all Coat Colour/Pattern Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value Location MC
Overall The Jordan Awassi is covered with white wool except for the face, the abdominal region and the lower parts of the limbs which are wool free but covered with short hair. The head of the animal is predominantly brown but sometimes black, and legs are brown Baladi, United Kingdom
Overall Predominantly red or red-pied but whites, greys and blacks also common. Coat is usually of short stiff hair, except for mane (which may be 15 cm long) and occasional animals with long breeches or more general long hair. Sahel, West African Long-legged, Desert, Sudan, Fulani, Peul, Peulh, Maure, Touareg, Niorp, Niafounke., Mali
Unspecified Colour is very variable, most common colour is a mixture of black and whitish hair. Southern Sudanese, Southern Sudan, Nuba Mountain, Ingessana, Latuka-Bari, Nilotic, Yei, Toposa, Dinka, Sudanese Hill, Village goat, Sudan On Farm
Overall White with black spots Unspecified-1402883425, Eritrea
Overall Red and white colour sided pattern. Unspecified-1402883389, Zimbabwe
Unspecified Colour very variable: 49 percent red pied, 28 percent black pied, 19 percent white, 9 percent red and 3 percent black (n=367). Futanke ecotype is usually sparsely spotted black; Banamba ecotype is red; Burkina ecotype is mainly white with various degrees Futake, Banamba, Fulani, Mali On Station
Overall White coat and typically, black spots around the mouth, nose, eyes and ears. The feet (from the hoofs up to the knees) also have black spots. Unspecified-1402883449, Turkey
Overall The main coat colour is black (72%), with occasional white and red patches on a black background. Most (75%) of the males are hairy and 12% have hair on the thighs. Shukria, Sciucria, Langae, Hassen, Beladi, Bledi., Eritrea
Overall Djallonke goat is known to exhibit a large variation in coat colour. Brown colour accounted for over 40% of the population studied. The other dominant colours are black (16.3%), brown/white (14.2%) and black/brown (9.0%). There were relatively few fawn, d West African Dwarf, African Pygmy, African Dwarf, Cameroon Dwarf, Nigerian Dwarf, Hausa, Hausa, Kosi, Mossi, Cameroon Grassland, Kirdi, Kirdimi, Nigeria On Farm
Overall Black, black pied, red, red pied, light grey with spots, dark grey. Unspecified-1402883374, Togo