
Speciesordenação ascendente Nome Synonyms
Cattle Taita/Taveta Lowland (Coastal) zebu
Cattle Mauritius Creole
Cattle Iringa Red
Cattle Charolaise Charolais
Cattle Baoule Lobi (in Bouna division) and Mere (but this confuses with the name of zebu crosses with Lobi).
Cattle Watusi Rwanda Sanga, Burundi Sanga, Kivu (in DR Congo).
Cattle Rana Omby Rana
Cattle Medenece Medenes
Cattle Jem-Jem Black Highland Cattle
Cattle Malawi Zebu North Malawi Angoni, South Malawi Angoni
Cattle Ethiopian Boran Borana
Cattle Okavango
Cattle Gobra Senegalese Fulani, Senegal Zebu
Cattle North Somali Zebu
Cattle Watende