No name - Breeds

Group Breed Synonymssort descending
Unidentified Pig Fumian Fujain
Unidentified Pig Putian Fujian Black
Unidentified Pig Fengjing Fong Djing Fungcheng, Rice-Bran Pig
Sanga Raya-Azebo Galla-Azebo
Commercial Composites N'dama Grande Gambian N'dama
Unidentified Buffalo Gannan Gannan Yak in Gansu
Variety/Ecotype Gebsima (Graish mixture, literally barely plumage colour) Gebsima doro
Humpless Shorthorns Ghana Shorthorn Ghanaian Shorthorn, Gold Coast Shorthorn, WAS (but ambiguous).
Unidentified Buffalo Jafarabadi Gir; Jaffri; Bhavanagri
Small East African Zebu Goffa Goffa Dwarf
Short-eared Small-horned Maasai Gogo, Chaga, Arusha, Small East African
Thin-tailed Hair sheep Angola Long-legged Zunu Goitered, Zenu
Thin-tailed Hair sheep Touareg Grand Targui (Ara-Ara, Argooradji), Petit Targui, Tuareg
Unidentified Buffalo Haapa Haapa
Thin-tailed coarse wool sheep Hadina Hadine; Toubou
Unidentified Pig Harbin White Haerbinbai, Kharbinskaya belaya, Weisse Charbiner
Unidentified Pig Hailum Hainan
Unidentified Buffalo Haizi Haitszy; Haitzu (Wade-Giles)
Sanga Tuli Harvey's Cattle, named after the settler farmer who collected the original Amabowe cattle that provided the foundation stock for the Tuli.
Commercial Composites Cape Hatton
Sanga Damara Herero
Lop-eared goats Nguni Herero
Fat-tailed Hair Sheep Mondombes Herero, Macubias
Unidentified Buffalo Nepalese Mountain Himali Bhainsi; Himalayan Mountain
Commercial Composites Frisonne Pie-Noire Holstein (black and white)