all Coat Colour/Pattern Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value Location MC
Overall White fleece and colored patches around the eyes, carpus and tarsus regions. Kars, Cildir, Kesik, Turkey
Overall Usually black or dark brown. Other colours include light brown and roan also exist. Ethiopian Highland, Abyssinian, Legagora, Ethiopia On Station
Overall Major coat colors are red, chestnut, black, roan and white. Unspecified-1402883376, Ethiopia
Overall They are either pure white or with some black pigment sprinkled on head, ears and along the backbone. The hair is short and smooth; the skin is thin and black on the areas not covered by hair. Galla, Ethiopia On Station
Overall They are white in colour. Unspecified-1402883423, Tunisia
Overall The most common coat colour of the Africaner today is red in its various shades. Other colours include yellow or cream, red and black. Unspecified-1402883390, South Africa
Overall Black, Solid white, mottled black and white, any variation possible Unspecified-1402883372, Sudan On Station
Overall Red pied or fawn pied. Coat is usually of short stiff hair, except for mane (which may be 15 cm long) and occasional animals with long breeches or more general long hair. Sahel, West African Long-legged, Desert, Sudan, Fulani, Peul, Peulh, Gorane (Chad)., Chad
Overall Mostly black with occasional white patches on the front of the head or the body. Lebanese Jabali, Western Sahara
Overall Fawn, light or dun Outa Malinke, Futa, Malinke, Mandingo, N'dama Petite, Sudan