all Coat Colour/Pattern Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value Location MC
Overall The pattern and the type of coat colours do not vary significantly between the herds, or between sub-groups within the herds. About 64% of Boran cattle have a plain coat colour pattern with 63% white and 22% light grey. The patchy coat colour pattern acco Unspecified-1402883374, Ethiopia
Overall Usually balck, also dark grey, tan, tan-and-grey, tan-and-black. Unspecified-1402883467, Sri Lanka
Overall Commonly dark brown, black, pied, white, yellow, several combinations of colours. Coat usually short and fine. Mozambique (Landim=Landrace in Portuguese); Small East African., Mozambique
Overall Karakul lambs have a dark brown to black coat. This becomes whiter and lighter at maturity, probably as a result of the coarse fibers it contains growing longer and covering the down dark fibers. Karagul, Turkey
Unspecified The body is covered with short coarse hair of a predominantly blond colour, ranging from shaded white to light brown. Danakil, Adal, Ethiopia On Station
Overall White. Unspecified-1402883370, Chad
Overall Solid blond, light brown, pale sandy, shaded white, dark brown, spotted. Danakil, Adal, Ethiopia On Station
Overall Mostly typical pure-black coats, although black-and-white coats are also frequent. Unspecified-1402883418, Mali
Overall Red and white colour sided pattern. Unspecified-1402883389, Zimbabwe
Unspecified Colour very variable: 49 percent red pied, 28 percent black pied, 19 percent white, 9 percent red and 3 percent black (n=367). Futanke ecotype is usually sparsely spotted black; Banamba ecotype is red; Burkina ecotype is mainly white with various degrees Futake, Banamba, Fulani, Mali On Station