Breeds in No name

Speciessort descending Group Breed Synonyms
Cattle Humpless Shorthorns Baoule Lobi (in Bouna division) and Mere (but this confuses with the name of zebu crosses with Lobi).
Cattle Humpless Shorthorns Ghana Dwarf Muturu Muturu, Forest Shorthorn
Cattle Large East African Zebu Samburu Kamasia
Cattle Large East African Zebu Murle
Cattle Sanga Landim Sul do Save
Cattle Large East African Zebu Butana Red Desert cattle, Dar El Reih, Dongola, Shendi, Bambawa
Cattle Commercial Composites African aurochs African urus; Hahni Hilzheimer
Cattle Small East African Zebu Baherie Arab Cattle, Bahari, Berbera
Cattle Humpless Longhorns N'Dama Boenca, Boyenca, Fouta Jallon, Fout, Malinke, Mandingo, N'Dama Petite, Fouta Malinke, Futa, N'Dama Peti, Gambian Longhorn
Cattle Humpless Shorthorns Doayo Namji, Namchi, Namshi, Poli, Donayo, M'Bougi
Cattle Commercial Composites Drakensberger
Cattle Sanga Ruzizi Rwanda-Burundi cattle
Cattle Recently Derived Breeds Borgou Borgu, Borgawa; Bobori
Cattle Commercial Composites Frisonne Pie-Noire Holstein (black and white)
Cattle West African Zebu Red Fulani M'Bororo, Red Bororo, Wodabe, Fellata, Abori, Bodadi, Brahaza, Rahaji
Cattle Small East African Zebu Baria
Cattle Zenga Horro
Cattle West African Zebu Sokoto Bokoloji, Godali, Sokoto
Cattle Small East African Zebu Singida White
Cattle Sanga Kigezi
Cattle Large East African Zebu Somali Boran Awai
Cattle Large East African Zebu Karamajong Zebu
Cattle Humpless Longhorns N'Dama Boenca, Boyenca, Fouta Jallon, Fout, Malinke, Mandingo, N'Dama Petite, Fouta Malinke, Futa, N'Dama Peti, Gambian Longhorn
Cattle Sanga Barotse Lozi, Rowzi, Rozi, Baila
Chickens Variety/Ecotype Thai indigenous chicken Meat-cum-egg type