Kenya Boran all Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value 위치 MC
Overall 18.50 Unspecified-1402883497, Kenya On Station
Overall Range: 42-53 Unspecified-1402883497, Kenya On Station
Female 33.00 2.90 8 Range: 29-32 Unspecified-1402883497, Kenya On Station
Overall 40.00 10 Unspecified-1402883497, Kenya On Station
Female 29.00 Unspecified-1402883497, Kenya On Station
Overall Boran cattle immunized against theleriosis and ticks can thrive with out acaricide application in the East Coast Fever endemic area. Unspecified-1402883497, Kenya On Station
Female 162.00 Unspecified-1402883497, Kenya On Farm
Male 205.00 Unspecified-1402883497, Kenya On Farm
Female 342.00 32.00 216 Unspecified-1402883497, Kenya On Farm
Overall Average: 400 Unspecified-1402883497, Kenya On Farm