all Resistance Against Disease Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value 위치 MC
Overall Trypanotolerant (Dwarf strain) Unspecified-1402883372, Sudan On Station
Overall Tolerant of babesiellosis, anaplasmosis, heartwater and mastitis but not of lumpyskin disease or to ticks. They are also said to be resistant to lice and to biting flies Unspecified-1402883383, Madagascar
Overall Trypanotolerant Unspecified-1402883373, Benin
Overall Trypanotolerant. Tolerant to gastrointestinal parasites. Konkomba , Togo
Unspecified Tolerant of trypanosomiasis. Unspecified-1402883372, Sudan
Unspecified Resistant to local strain of trypanosomasis biting flies and ticks. Unspecified-1402883372, Sudan
Unspecified From redwater and gallsickness and epizootic appear sooner to loose their virulence. Unspecified-1402883388, Zimbabwe
Overall Resistant to tick borne diseases Unspecified-1402883372, Cote d'Ivoire On Station
Unspecified Parasite and disease tolerant Unspecified-1402883390, South Africa
Overall Tolerant to ticks and tick-borne diseases. Swazi, Zulu , South Africa