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Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value Localização MC
Female 34.50 4.40 65 Landoum, White Maure, White Arab, Senegal
Overall Range: 45-50 Landoum, White Maure, White Arab, Senegal
Male 46.40 4.40 5 Landoum, White Maure, White Arab, Senegal
Overall Range: 65-90 Landoum, White Maure, White Arab, Senegal
Male Range: 75-90 Landoum, White Maure, White Arab, Senegal
Female Range: 65-80 Landoum, White Maure, White Arab, Senegal
Overall Colour usually white but with variable amounts of black spotting. Coat short and stiff. Males usually have longer hair on brisket. Landoum, White Maure, White Arab, Senegal
Overall Long to medium, rather broad and pendulous. Landoum, White Maure, White Arab, Senegal
Overall Usually present in males, triangular in cross-section, often only as scurs, otherwise typically curved backwards and then forwards; usually absent in females. Landoum, White Maure, White Arab, Senegal
Overall Very thin, long and falling to or below hocks. Landoum, White Maure, White Arab, Senegal