all Coat Colour/Pattern Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value Localização MC
Overall Solid blond, light brown, pale sandy, shaded white, dark brown, spotted. Danakil, Adal, Ethiopia On Station
Overall Black head and neck (uni-colour) with the rest of the body in white, with short stiff and shiny hair. Blackhead Ogaden, Boran, Adal, Afar Blackhead,, Ethiopia
Overall Uni-colour; brown white, uni-colour white brown pied or dark grey. Abyssinian, Ethiopia
Overall Coat colour include white and red and reddish brown and white. Peuhl, Foulbé , Cameroon
Overall In their colour markings the Banyo is one of the most attractive cattle types in Africa. The colours are white and a deep, but bright red. The usual colour pattern consists of a white face similar to the Hereford (except that there is always colour around Unspecified-1402883384, Cameroon On Farm
Overall Generally a whole colour of dark red or dark red and black. The skin is black or very dark red, the hooves being of these colours also. The tail switch is generally dark in colour. Unspecified-1402883386, Nigeria On Station
Overall Is white, grey-white, cream o fawn with, in the bulls, dark grey areas over the shoulders and hump extending forward to the neck. The skin, hooves, muzzle and tail-switch are generally black although a red skin may sometimes be found under the tail and in Unspecified-1402883386, Nigeria On Station
Overall There is great variation in coat colour and colour pattern. About 60% are white or white with black skin and points. The remaining consists of a variety of colours including black, black and white, white and black, red (washy), red and white, white and re Unspecified-1402883496, Nigeria
Overall Considerable variation in colour patterns are seen. Black and white and many combinations of these two are common. Brown and dun are also found. Unspecified-1402883372, Sudan On Station
Overall The Kuri is generally white. Red (or reddish brown) or black splashes or speckled markings are accompanied by black points, i.e. black muzzle and black inside the ears. The skin colour is black. Borrie, Nigeria On Station