Humpless Shorthorns - Breeds

Speciesordenação descendente Breed Synonyms
Cattle Bakosi Bakuri, Kosi
Cattle Baoule Lobi (in Bouna division) and Mere (but this confuses with the name of zebu crosses with Lobi).
Cattle Doayo Namji, Namchi, Namshi, Poli, Donayo, M'Bougi
Cattle Ghana Shorthorn Ghanaian Shorthorn, Gold Coast Shorthorn, WAS (but ambiguous).
Cattle Kapsiki Kidri
Cattle Nigerian Savanna Muturu Muturu (a Hausa term meaning 'humpless')
Cattle Somba Atacora (in Benin), Mango, Konkomba (in Togo).
Cattle Bakweri
Cattle Ghana Dwarf Muturu Muturu, Forest Shorthorn
Cattle Lagune Mayombe or Dahomey (in DR Congo), Lagoon (in Ghana)
Cattle Liberia Dwarf Muturu Liberian Muturu
Cattle Logone Lagone
Cattle Lobi Lobo-Goui, Mere-Lobi, Mere (but this name is better left for their crosses with zebu).
Cattle Nigerian Forest Muturu Kirdi
Cattle Sheko Shewa-Ghimira, Goda, Mitzan