Swazi all Traits

Sex Mean SD SE SS Trait Value Localização MC
Overall Range: 30-40 Unspecified-1402883405, Swaziland
Unspecified 70.00 Unspecified-1402883405, Swaziland
Unspecified Colour variable but whole colours (grey, black, white) predominate. Hair, short and coarse or long and fine; longer breeches on both fore and hind legs not uncommon. Unspecified-1402883405, Swaziland
Unspecified Medium-long (16 cm) and broad, lopped. Unspecified-1402883405, Swaziland
Unspecified Present in both sexes: strong, moderately heavy and long in males with homonymous twist projecting sideways or backwards and outwards; lighter, scimitar shaped and backward curving in females. Unspecified-1402883405, Swaziland
Overall Range: 18-24 Unspecified-1402883405, Swaziland
Unspecified 68.00 Unspecified-1402883405, Swaziland
Unspecified 60.00 Unspecified-1402883405, Swaziland
Unspecified 50.00 Unspecified-1402883405, Swaziland
Overall 68.20 Unspecified-1402883405, Swaziland On Farm